Tesla unveiled their humanoid robocar, the Optimus, at their 2022 AI Day today,

 with Elon Musk believing that Tesla could get one to market at less than $20,000.

 Elon Musk opened up Teslas AI Day 2022 with the unveiled prototype for his humanoid robot, uch Does A Tesla Bot Cost?

 which the company hopes to mass-produce and market for under $20,000.

 Elon Musk told the crowd that he expects that the price for an Tesla AI bot will ultimately be less than $20,000.

Elon Musk said that when Tesla goes into production, it is likely that it will produce millions of the Tesla Bot, called the Optimus.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk said that the team is working on making Optimus available soon, at less money than the sub-$20,000 vehicle.

 Tesla CEO Elon Musk has also said the Telsa robot, Optimus, will end up being more central to the Telsa business than the cars,

which today account for the lions share of the companys revenues.